The WIN - Story

24th AGM in Vietnam in February and GSM in Italy in July. We resumed normal business operations and began approving various projects to keep WIN active and vibrant. It was agreed to combine both AGM & GSM into one longer format going further. A main project is the Payment Insurance coverage that would increase our financial security inside the network.
2023 was also focused on network development whereby we have had few countries to add and/or replace. Two significant projects were initiated in the USA and China, accompanied by the appointment of multiple agents in these two keys regions.
The Board: Chairman Alberto Maier, Spain, Vice Chairman Juri Falandt, Netherlands, RD Europe: Thomas Haller, Switzerland, RD Americas: Felipe Cabral, Brazil, RD Asia & Pacific: Penny Estrada, Philippines, RD Middle East & Africa: Vasant Shetty, UAE. 
WIN started with the 23rd virtual AGM in January. The world was going back to normal so we conducted a second AGM in Madrid in the middle of the year to kick-start the projects. It was the first time we meet after a long absence and there was a good attendance. People were enthusiastic to meet after a long absence. Project were presented and approved for continuation.
The Board: Chairman Alberto Maier, Spain, RD Europe: Juri Falandt, Netherlands, RD Americas: Felipe Cabral, Brazil, RD Asia & Pacific: Penny Estrada, Philippines, RD Middle East & Africa: Vacant.  
22nd AGM took place virtually due to the Covid-19 pandemic and global travel restrictions. The globe was going through a turmoil and companies were more focused on keeping their business afloat during this critical period. This year marked the boom of online video conferencing so WIN conducted our annual meetings virtually. All decisions and voting were done online. Project progress was put on hold since carriers faced challenges entering agreements, even the price structure globally was in a complete instability.
The Board: Chairman Alberto Maier, Spain, RD Europe: Juri Falandt, Netherlands, RD Americas: Felipe Cabral, Brazil, RD Asia & Pacific: Matthew Cheung, Hong Kong, RD Middle East & Africa: Vacant.  
2020 = 20 Years WIN Worldwide Independent Network Association! 

We celebrated the 20th anniversary of WIN at our AGM 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand.

It happened on 17 January 2000, when 45 enthusiastic and very active representatives from 45 countries met in Seville, Spain, to sign the statutes of the WIN Worldwide Independent Network Association.
All 45 present WIN members affirmed to intensify their business relations in the future and to do business with each other whenever possible and thus contribute to the well-being of all. On the occasion, of this 1st AGM (Annual General Meeting), the WIN Rules of the Association were agreed which not only contained process-oriented rules but also ethical principles.

To this day, these principles have always been upheld and the mutual esteem of the members has been guaranteed, so much so, that even many of these members are still with WIN, in fact they are WIN! Even the WIN Office was significantly involved in the founding preparations of the WIN Association and has been the linchpin of the WIN Worldwide Independent Network Association to this day.


20th AGM. 82 WIN member representatives gathered at the Hotel Hyatt Regency Galleria DUBAI to conduct the WIN Annual General Meeting from 13 -  17 January 2019. 
Some of these participants were even more enthusiastic than the rest because for 13 delegates it was the first WIN AGM to attend. 
Dubai resulted to be a very popular place to conduct this conference as it is well located and easy to be reached for the majority of our member's origin.

After the AGM 2018 was dominated by WIN 2.0 project, at the AGM 2019 we concentrated on the implementation of the decisions of the AGM 2018.
Thus for the AGM 2019 in Dubai some important topics were put on the agenda with which the conversion of the agreed upon goals is planned to be achieved. Therefore, the first task was to adapt the almost 20-year-old Articles of Association and to prepare the members for the forthcoming planned changes. The Board of Directors received the green light and the year 2019 is now completely dedicated to the upheaval and preparations of the WIN network to move into the new WIN era.


19th AGM. 57 very well motivated and friendly WINners gathered at the InterContinental Hotel in BUENOS AIRES from 21 - 25 January 2018, to conduct our yearly Annual General Meeting.
Quite a number of delegates had to accept 30 hours or even more for their journey until they reached this lively city Buenos Aires.

This was the year of WIN 2.0!  A major new concept was presented by the Board and accepted by the AGM attendees with interest and big expectation of the various novelties which will eventually give WIN new spirit and dynamic. 2018 is a transition year and the dedicated and engaged Board is working hard to make WIN 2.0 a success. 

The Board: Chairman Alberto Maier, Spain, RD Europe: Juri Falandt, Netherlands, RD Americas: Ron Sham, Canada, RD Asia & Pacific: Matthew Cheung, Hong Kong, RD Middle East & Africa: Vacant.  


18th AGM. On 9 January 2017 a total of 38 WIN member companies represented by 74 attendees gathered in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand, to conduct the 18th WIN AGM 2017.

Some new topics and projects were presented and discussed. We did also inaugurate ad-hoc project management team to bring project fast and complete to required results. Besides, some further project and innovations were presented and targeted to work though during the year! 

Our Charity program for this year was dedicated to Chiang Mai Ban Pong School. With the generous donation of WIN members a new school building was constructed where totally102 Students fit into 10 class rooms (ranging from kindergarten until high school level) and dormitories for this boarding school were also built. In total an amount of 17’000 USD was raised by our generous WIN members which made this project possible! 

The Board: Chairman S.K. Leong, USA, Vice Chairman: Alberto Maier, Spain, RD Europe: Juri Falandt, Netherlands, RD Americas: Ron Sham, Canada, RD Asia & Pacific: Surya Rangwani, India. 


17th AGM. Totally 62 WIN delegates and 14 guests attended the AGM 2016. There were 43 WIN member countries represented, which is only 59% of all WIN member countries (total of 72 WIN members in the network stand January, 2016. 

Wonderful location of the Kwa Maritane Lodge and it’s helpful and always smiling staff, wonderful set-up of the Gala-Award Dinner with a stunning program and interested, participative and responsible and very generous WINners! Why generous? Because, of your bighearted contribution WIN will be able to transfer a check of 12’500 USD to ELEOS mercy in action. This amount will give food, education, shelter and much more to many children in need to experience human dignity and joy of living.

Very important changes of the network were proposed and discussed which finally were accepted by the AGM and entrusted to the Board to carry on the work for a successful network. Based on this fundamental change the WIN Articles and Bylaws needed to be amended and the voting of the paragraphs in question were done in September 2016.

The Board: Chairman S.K. Leong, USA, Vice Chairman: Alberto Maier, Spain, RD Europe: Juri Falandt, Netherlands, RD Americas: Ron Sham, Canada, RD Asia & Pacific: Surya Rangwani, India.


We did welcome a total of 33 WIN members represented at the meeting and including all guest we were 53 persons. Not as many as we usually had in the past, mainly due to lack of our Asian members. Thank you all who made the trip to Panama City, a wonderful, dynamic and scenic city!

As we marched into 2016, the 17th year of the network, we needed to re-confirm our VISION of where the network is heading in the next 4 years when we are 20 years old. So starting 2016 as year 1 with a 4 years plan until 2020, we need to identify our goal, taking a year at a time, review and adjust at interval.

The Board: Chairman S.K. Leong, USA, Vice Chairman: Alberto Maier, Spain, RD Europe: Juri Falandt, Netherlands, RD Americas: Ron Sham, Canada, RD Asia & Pacific: Surya Rangwani, India.


The 15th Annual General Meeting in Bali at Nusa Dua Beach was a well attended, interesting and memorable AGM. We had a total of 43 WIN members representing all in all including spouses and guests 75 persons. Not bad actually, considering the long distance journey for many of our members. Thank you all who made the trip to Bali. For sure you all enjoyed the time on the Island of Gods! After adding the new full WIN members who were approved by the AGM 2014 in Bali, the WIN network consisted of 71 full members and 3 temporary members on 1 January, 2014.

The Board: Chairman S.K. Leong, USA, Vice Chairman: Alberto Maier, Spain, RD Europe: Juri Falandt, Netherlands, RD Americas: Ron Sham, Canada, RD Asia & Pacific: Greg Hsu, Taiwan. 


This AGM was probably the best attended meeting ever. A perfect location, easy to access and over 80 delegates and gusts arrived to Antalya, Turkey highly motivated to conduct the 14th Annual General Meeting.

Many important topics were discussed and decided which will eventually bring WIN into a new area. Articles and Bylaws were amended also because of the construction of a new region. Now WIN consists of 4 regions and 6 Board members: Asia & Pacific Region, Americas Region, Europe Region, NEW: Middle East & Africa Region. The WIN Association is represented in 71 countries with exclusive small and midsized freight forwarders and logistic companies.

The Board: Chairman S.K. Leong, USA, Vice Chairman: Alberto Maier, Spain, RD Europe: Juri Falandt, Netherlands, RD Americas Hernan Jaime, Argentina, RD Asia & Pacific: Greg Hsu, Taiwan.


13th Annual General Meeting held in Cartagena, Colombia, January 2012. On the occasion of this AGM the Board was ending its term and needed to be elected. As of this year the WIN network will have a new Chairman and Vice Chairman. There were various important topics that required full attention of all delegates. Besides the election also new members came on board, some left. At the end of 2012 the WIN Association is represented in 74 countries.

The Board: Chairman S.K. Leong, USA, Vice Chairman: Alberto Maier, Spain, RD Europe: Juri Falandt, Netherlands, RD Americas Hernan Jaime, Argentina, RD Asia & Pacific Greg Hsu, Taiwan.


in January 2011 the 12th Annual General Meeting was organized in Sydney, Australia. By now, the WIN Association is represented by 75 agents, all proud exclusive and dedicated WIN members.

The Board: Chairman: Sir Eligio Oggionni, Vice Chairman: S.K. Leong, USA, RD Europe: Allan Sandgren, Denmark, RD Americas: Hernan Jaime, Argentina, RD Asia & Pacific: Madewan Rusli, Indonesia 


WIN celebrates its 10th birthday! There are not many networks that are so old as WIN. As an exclusive network and constantly growing WIN has proven that members prefer to be part of a "club" rather than being one of hundreds of agents, anonymously waiting for their chance within the mass. The Birthday celebration took place in Flic en Flac, Mauritius, in January 2010.


The 10th Annual General Meeting was held in sunny Cape Town, South Africa January 2009. A professional organization allowed a comfortable stay and constructive meeting. Various work groups gathered to discuss and define processes and ways to work closer together. By now, WIN was represented in 68 countries on all continents.   


On the occasion of the 9th Annual General Meeting held in Rio, Brazil in January 2008 the Rainy Day Fund (RDF) was presented and accepted as a new option to grant financial stability and security to all WIN members. The Company Profile Information (CPI) was created. 


The 8th Annual General Meeting was held in Chiang Mai, Thailand with a record attendance. A fantastic organization and program enchanted all attendees. New network issues were discussed and the financial security aspect was dealt with in length. Issues such as exclusivity yes / now was discussed and again the majority of the attendees decide to stay firm on the original idea WIN to be a truly exclusive network. 


The 7th Annual General Meeting was held in Marrakech, Morocco. Many important issues were discussed in particular referring to Network Development. The WIN Evaluation Program became more sophisticated and further criteria had been implemented. Therefore this time more winners were announced: for the year 2005: APC Hong Kong (highest over-all performance), MM Trade Israel (highest sales performance), MM Trade Israel (highest increase year-to-year). The WIN Webpage received a new fresher look with even more attractive features! 

 2005 - 5th Anniversary of WIN

On the occasion of the 6th Annual General Meeting which was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina all members were given a 5-year - WIN member certificate! The member of the year 2004 was assessed to be APC Hong Kong. Further enhancements were made to the WIN marketing aspect: webpage, banners and new brochures were produced. By the end of 2005 a nice number of 64 exclusive WIN members were counted.  


5th Annual General Meeting held in Cebu, Philippines. This year the WIN member of the year 2003 was SENATOR International, Germany. The WIN secretariat / administration office changed address and was located officially at office premises in Bassersdorf, Zurich, Switzerland. The office was staffed with one person assisting the Board and supporting developing projects. Marketing gadget as well as brochures, banners etc. were produced and presented at every sales call or trade show. By the end of 2004 the WIN network consisted of 66 countries.  


4th Annual General Meeting held in Dubai U.A.E. After the first Evaluation Process survey the first winner was announced: EP WINner of the year 2002: APC Hong Kong. The WIN Webpage was further updated and developed for the use of all WIN members but also for external Website visitors. The track & trace online tool was implemented and started. 


3rd Annual General Meeting was held in Santiago, Chile. On this occasion the WIN Logo was presented and registered. The WIN trade mark was registered and is still today registered by Warshaw convention in over 40 countries worldwide. The first global contract with an air carrier was signed and implemented. SOP standard operation procedures where elaborated in work groups and implemented within the next few weeks. The first WIN webpage - already a sophisticated tool at that time - as it contained interactive modules, was presented. By the end of the year the WIN network counted 59 members. 


2nd Annual General Meeting was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Additional internal rules and guideline were elaborated and were implemented in the course of the year. It was then, when the famous WIN  Evaluation Program was first presented and accepted with big success. Further WIN members joined the WIN family and so the network grew to a nice number of 56 members. 


On 17th January 2000 45 independent forwarding companies from all continents gathered in Sevilla, Spain to inaugurate WIN Worldwide Independent Network Association. On this date the Articles of Association were formulated and the WIN Association was officially registered in Switzerland, where its head office is located. In the course of the year the network expanded to 51 exclusive representatives. 


About 20 forwarding agents from various regions of the world have been working together for many years and decided to found an international network! 

The main objectives were: to have financially sound, personally known agents, with the mutual interest to grow their business commonly and to work with business ethics, based on trust and reliability. Together they could build up new business models, be better visible and stronger when defending customer base against multinational logistic firms. They also agreed that no one maybe be associated or belonging to any multinational structure, thus be a small - midsized freight forwarder or logistics provider, exclusivity was the key to success.