AGM-2-2022 MADRID - Spain

Activating the future. We are WIN

29 May - 1 June 2022

AGM-2-2022 Madrid

after two years we can finally meet again

The conference will be held in Madrid at the Hotel RIU Plaza - from 29 May to 1 June 2022

The first part of the WIN AGM 2022 - which is the technical part - successfully was conducted virtually between 11 and 18 February 2022. 

Since the beginning of the year in many regions of the world the pandemic faded a bit and somewhat lost its acute terror and danger in many regions of the world at least for the moment!

People are better informed and equipped not to face the threat of infection unprotected. Thus, this relieve is an opportunity for the Board to finally consider a conference with physical presence of the participants.

Meanwhile, the conference set-up is almost completed and despite the short time for preparation this AGM will surely be a highlight in our WIN life.


We are all looking forward to an interesting and conference and socializing opportunity.


Get the full WIN AGM Conference Agenda